Connection for Direction
training course
15. - 24. October 2022 in Latvia

This training was designed for youth workers, volunteers and other people who work with people and want to refresh their skills and attitudes to their days, to others, to work and to the world.
28 participants from Latvia, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, France & Portugal came together to explore and experiment with body based methods, movement, theater, dance, meditative and relaxation techniques, arts, creative expression.
By training your own awareness, acceptance, sense of initiative, you can improve the quality of your being and of your actions. We were finding ways to be more resilient and empathic through mindfulness – by developing your skills to be fully present, listen, accept and act, by equipping you with mindfulness based tools that you can later on use in your practice.
Few words from participants
This October, I had the chance to participate on another great experience in an Erasmus+ Training course organised by OpenSense : Connectionfordirection !
Connection for Direction, what a meaningful theme. During this week, we learned in an informal way how to explore mindfulness through connection, play, movement, and simply being there with others. We dived into the ocean of our feelings and thoughts, and I thank everyone for their presence, their acceptance of imperfection, and their will to create a more meaningful way of experience our lives.
I learned a lot of things in such a little time, and I'm looking forward to incorporate that in my everyday life and in my work.
Yume, France
Last month I had a wonderful experience, for 8 days, on an Erasmus+ training course (Connection for Direction) in Latvia, organized by Open Sense.
Despite the cold weather outside, during the training, I was opening inside like a ripened pomegranate on a sunny Mediterranean hill. I had plenty of nourishing touches, healing dances, intense eye contact, and meaningful conversations. And I was absorbing like a dry sponge all the juiciness regarding how to prepare (with the right tools), how to approach (the right attitude) and how to work (the know-how) with the body in non-formal education spaces. At one point I felt like a glass of fruit juice full to the brim.
All this in a warm, inspiring, and mindful setup with wonderful participants from all over Europe and skilled trainers.
If you are looking to connect mindfully to your body and learn how to work with this I warmheartedly recommend to you follow the work of Antonio, Andrej, Ieva, and Ilze.
I am grateful for having this powerful stepping stone on my path!
Bogdan, Romania
This October I was given the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ Training course called Connection for Direction in Latvia.
For 9 days we were playing, creating, breathing, dancing (like a lot), laughing (even more).
Also crying, singing, howling like a pack of wolves, jumping, rolling in the autumn leaves.
Flying in the air like butterflies, exploring the world with curiosity through eyes of child.
Enjoying each other's care, love and hugs, connected cells. We embraced our authentic, pure, unfiltered selves.
What a ride it was! Remembering these memories, still gives me shivers. I cannot be more grateful for all the beings on this journey! Thank you so much!
Katerina, Czech Republic
More information and outcomes
For more detailed information about the day to day programm please read the DAILY REPORT
Description and instructions to all activities designed and implemented by participants in second half of the training you can find in BOOKLET
For mores visual insipiration please visit the full PHOTO ALBUM
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