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Presence Dealers

training course
8. - 17. March      2022         in Portugal

exploration of mindfulness in youth work

We came together to be, move, play, observe, listen, share, explore, experiment, challenge ourselves,

learn from within and from each other, get to know new people & ways & attitudes,

and create this experience together.

Presence Dealers was an 8-day training course which aimed to introduce and explore principles of “Mindfulness” and experiment with practical and fun tools and techniques that can be readily used in daily life, creative work and in the other situations and places too. Training own awareness, acceptance and sense of presence can improve the quality of our days and the things we do. We will learn how to be present and to tune and respond properly to the needs of the diverse people and situations we are working with.

Few words from participants

Life is yummy. Life is thoroughly delicious, juicy, mysterious, and wild. And oh, how much I love It when I unearth different facets of Life itself and implicitly of Myself in experiences such as this training course, which I would call a growing process/a self enriching slow-down-place. ’Presence Dealers’! Mhmm, as I write, memories flow back into my memory. I repeat again to myself, almost whispering ’Presence Dealers’. My body savours the sweet memories that keep gliding my inner playground slide; touch, intimacy, wildness, slowness, chocolate, hands, syllables (the strange ones that made me uncomfortable :) ), vulnerability. 

Presence Dealers was magic. I unleashed the creature within, the expressive one, that is fearless, that lets herself be seen, listened to, touched, danced with, guided into this mysterious world that we all have access to. I unlocked my honesty, my authentic curiosity for human nature. I allowed myself to not know, to make mistakes (after I stressed about them. And what helped me was sharing deeply with the group, with My tribe, and what I received from my tribe was love and understanding and so much humour that it shifted my perspective on this specific area of my life. It is so empowering, so calming and so liberating to profoundly taste the self victory of achieving acceptance...

To read the full story please continue here.

Roxana, Romania

I had a fantastic experience in contact with nature, a group of participants, and expert trainers. I explored and experienced personal methods based on body, improvisation, movement, dance, creative expression, contact with nature, meditation, focus on a Mindfulness approach with practical and fun tools and techniques to be used in my daily life, in my work, and different kind of groups, and places too.

Sharing ideas, opinions, feelings, emotions in a safe space and group, laughing, playing, listening to my body and heart, awakening my inner child, expressing myself, appreciating the beauty of nature, feeling a state of peace, lightness are aspects that I take with me through this training. Working more creatively with my youth/community groups based on the methods I have experienced, implementing more creative, dynamic, and meaningful activities, but also helping me to improve my professional skills connected with non-formal education.

Thank you so much for this wonderful week, all together in a magic place, with healing food love, and human beings.

Keep working this way to spread your good vibes, energies, and share this kind of opportunity with more people.


I Myfullness ehehe

Soraia, Portugal

I just came back from an amazing and insightful training in Portugal on presence. Yes, presence, this precious preasent that life keeps offering us but we somehow don't manage to fully grasp in a world full of well marketed uselessness.

It was a beautiful exploration of human, inner and outer nature, a raw encounter with human beings stripped from burdening past and future identifications. Just humanity, just nature, just presence.

I feel incredibly grateful for what we created together, may we spread the vibe onward.


Thank you for making this encounter possible. Thank you to all the amazing people I met during this training course.

Anamaria, Romania

More information and outcomes

For more detailed information about the day to day programm please read the DAILY REPORT

Description and instructions to all activities designed and implemented by participants in second half of the training you can find in BOOKLET

More about the training flow and activities you can find in this PROJECT PRESENTATION where Roxana shares her experience.

For mores visual insipiration please visit the full PHOTO ALBUM.

To tune into the soundtrack of the training listen to Presence Dealers Spotify Playlist

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