training course in Poland
March 2020

exploration of mindfulness in youth work
from the 9th to the 18th of March 2020 in Bocheniec, Poland
We came together to be, move, play, observe, listen, share, explore, experiment, challenge ourselves,
learn from within and from each other, get to know new people & ways & attitudes,
and create this experience together.
reConnectin was an 8-day training course which aimed to introduce and explore principles of “Mindfulness” and experiment with practical and fun tools and techniques that can be readily used in daily life, creative work and in the other situations and places too. Training own awareness, acceptance and sense of presence can improve the quality of our days and the things we do. We will learn how to be present and to tune and respond properly to the needs of the diverse people and situations we are working with.
Why Mindfulness?
Mindfulness develops the skill to bring one's attention to the present moment on purpose and serves to strengthen one’s capacity for stress resistance, kindness and compassion both in personal and professional life. Science-based methods allow participants in training to experience visceral, ‘in the moment’ practices within an overtly reflective and supportive environment.
Furthermore, mindfulness cultivates one’s skill to welcome and observe the incoming inputs from inside and outside without attachment, not to be dragged or manipulated by emotions and upcoming thoughts. It also represents a more fitting response to the complexity of human relations in which youth workers operate and thereby help to preserve the integrity of process-based practice. Enhanced concentration and clarity brings more creativity into trainers’ daily work and supports learners’ success.
Who was this training for?
The training was designed for youth workers & volunteers
and other people who work with people, that want to refresh their skills and attitudes to their days, to other people, to work and to the world.
We hosted 26 participants from
Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Latvia, Macedonia and Cyprus
This training was for youth workers who:
● want to explore and experiment with specific tools from non formal fields
(body based methods, theater, movement, dance,
nature based methods, meditation, arts, creative expression),
● want to use and imply the learned skills in your professional work with people,
● are open to sharing your own skills and learning the skills with others,
● are motivated and willing to commit to work during the whole duration of the project (preparation, training course, follow-up activities
What we have been doing?
● collecting new inputs and inspiration that renew motivations to act with commitment and new ideas.
● refreshing curiosity and playfulness in approaching your work in order to prevent burning out.
● improving your trainers’ and personal skills to be more efficient, adaptable, responding to issues and demands in your work and daily life.
● widening your perspectives and points of view to see new opportunities, create new patterns, and avoid situations of stalemate when working with people with different cultural background.
● gathering specific tools from non formal fields (theater, dance, meditation, creative expression) that are not easily accessible for all the youth workers.
More information and outcomes
For more detailed information about the day to day programm please read the DAILY REPORT
To tune into the soundtrack of the training listen to reConnectin Spotify Playlist
Stay updated by following the FACEBOOK PAGE
Or contact us via mail:
Few words from participants
ReConnectin! Such a joyful and intense journey...it's just so hard to put it in words. It was my chance to discover my need to reconnect with myself and to reconnect myself with nature in such a mindful way.
Although we had some hard moments at the end of it, this whole experience was like a dream. I remember the first moment when I stepped into the working room, on our first evening together. In my mind I was something like "OMG this can't be real, I'm really here? It feels so peaceful! It was my first moment of <Colective constiousness> (inside joke)".
I'm so grateful to all the facilitators, organizers and of course to all the participants. Thank you for all the knowledge and enlightenment that you passed on to us. In the end, I found myself with a new family, I really felt so comfortable with all of you guys, thank you for that.
I must add at the end that this project came to me in the exact perfect moment. 2 months after I started daily meditation, I had the opportunity to go deeper into this practice and to learn different technics from such amazing people. 🧘♂️
Thank you all for everything!
Remus, Romania
I have spent the last month stuck in Poland. I've traveled there to be part of a Mindfulness Training Project. Due the Corona Outbreak the project had to come to an unexpected end.
The truth is: the project is still going. Every day of this quarantine we are asked to be mindful about our actions. We are asked to be more connected with whom we are, the people we care and especially connected to The Earth.
In Poland we found ourselves in a place where a real Global Panic was coming fearlessly towards us and we needed to act. Some decided to find the first flight home. Others, like me, decided to stay for the best of their family, their mental and physical health.
For almost a month the 5 of us (from a group of 26) had their days challenged by the most what-the-heck surprises. Every day was a different obstacle to overcome.
We went through this thanks to the support we got from each other, from Nature and from some solitude to process the situation. I've learnt so much from this experience.
I'd say the most clear lessons were:
🦋PEOPLE are important
Well, that might be quite obvious for some of you, but for an introvert like me? hum. I always found my support in my music, books and painting. In Poland I needed more than that and the people around me needed more than their solitude. We needed to talk about our fears, anxieties and decisions in hand. We needed to talk in order to not surpress any emotion and impact negatively our mental health.
People played such an important role throughout the process. We always found someone willing to help us - from free accomodation to daily messages to check on us.
🦋COMMUNICATION is very important
Not all of us process the same experience in the exact same way. We needed to communicate our needs and what support looks like for us.
🦋INNER CONNECTION is extremely important
In order to be able to help other people we need to be connected, centered and find our inner peace. Only that way we do not project our fears to someone who is already suffering with their own.
After this experience, I have been thinking on ways to help people finding their inner peace, their connection and harmony - no matter the situation they find themselves.
Debora, Portugal