Training course Italy 2019
Conscious body

for more pictures, videos and info please visit the
official webpage of the project
The project ”Conscious body“ was a seven days training course in the frame of Erasmus+ program that took place in Italy, from 5th to 11th of November 2019.
This training was designed for youth workers, trainers, educators, volunteers, people who work with/people through experiential and embodied methodologies, and generally for people who were willing to:
– explore the expressive potential of the body through contact improvisation and dance
– be open and adaptable to live and work in a creative open space as a community of movement researchers
– move, sweat, try, get in touch, push and be pushed, with care for themselves and others
– gather inspiration on how to use embodied methodologies to foster self development and social skills
– acquire new tools and inspirations for their work and activities with youngsters
During this training course we did:
– investigate ways of authentic expression through dance and theatre
– nurture a sense of deep and conscious connection through contact improvisation
– develop trust, care and supportive communication through the practice of acroyoga and circus disciplines
– explore bridges that connect mind and body by embodying lectures, concepts, ideas through movement
– live as a community of artists/students, taking care of the venue, animating workshops, participating to jams of contact impro and acroyoga, welcoming local practitioners to share skills, enthusiasm and practice.